The Tragic Death Of Rhys Bonner Was His Body Found?

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The mysterious case surrounding the death of Rhys Bonner has been a topic of much interest and speculation over the last three years. 

The young man disappeared from his home in July 2019, and his mother promptly filed a missing person report. A search was initiated, and just two weeks later, his body was discovered in a marshy area between Easterhouse and Gartloch Village.

The police conducted a quick investigation into the circumstances surrounding Bonner’s death, but the cause of his death was ultimately listed as “unascertained.” 

This answer did not satisfy Bonner’s mother, Stephanie, who felt that there was more to the story. Determined to uncover the truth, she launched her own investigation and has been pursuing answers for the last three years.

Despite the passage of time, Stephanie remains unwavering in her quest for answers. The case of Rhys Bonner’s death continues to captivate people’s imaginations and generate questions. 

The public is eager to learn more about what happened to the young man and what caused his untimely death. The mystery surrounding the case only adds to the interest, and the lack of resolution leaves many people feeling unsatisfied.

It’s a case that raises many questions and provides few answers, leaving the public to speculate and wonder what really happened to Rhys Bonner.

Was His Body Found?

The case of Rhys Bonner’s death has been shrouded in mystery for three long years. His body was found two weeks after his disappearance, but the cause of death was listed as “unascertained.” 

The outcome of the police investigation did not sit well with Rhys’s mother, Stephanie. She felt that the authorities had not done enough to uncover the truth and bring her son’s killer to justice.

Stephanie was not content to let the matter rest. She launched her own investigation, filing 26 complaints and demanding answers from the police. 

Despite her persistence, only four of her complaints were taken seriously. Stephanie suspected that some officers may have made mistakes or even been involved in the case, but she was unable to find concrete evidence. 

One of her greatest frustrations was that the police never told her where Rhys’s body was found.

Her grief and determination to find the truth is palpable in her words. “I still don’t know where my son’s body was recovered. It’s horrendous. I miss him with every breath, and I wake up every day and lose my boy again,” she said.

Stephanie works with the Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) in her quest for justice for Rhys. 

Although a PIRC report indicated that he might have been using drugs, his family vehemently denies this claim.

Despite the passing of three years and the numerous obstacles she has faced, Stephanie has not lost hope. 

She remains resolute in her fight for the truth, using her strength to support Rhys’s siblings and keep their memory of their brother alive.

Her unwavering determination is a testament to the love and devotion a mother has for her child, even in the face of tragedy.

Who is Donna Drummond & what did she do?

Donna Drummond is the last person to be seen with Rhys Bonner before he went missing. The two of them were caught on CCTV in Balcurvie Road in Provanhall, where they entered a place known for alcohol and drug misuse.

To this day, Donna remains the only suspect in Rhys’s case, and no other suspects have been identified. Despite this, no action has been taken against her. Rhys’s family claims that the police were familiar with Donna and that they did not adequately pursue her as a suspect.

The handling of Rhys’s body by the police has also been criticized. According to Rhys’s family, his body was treated with disrespect and was removed from the area without proper care.

The public is calling on the First Minister to address these complaints and to shed light on why Rhys was treated without empathy and compassion. 

The ongoing investigation into the 19-year-old’s murder, three years after his death, raises questions about the police department’s involvement. Despite the passage of time, the mystery surrounding Rhys’s death remains unsolved.
